Flowers & Gifts Delivery to HongKong
Traditional Leather Hamper

Traditional Leather Hamper

5 Reviews

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Earliest Delivery : 2nd Apr
USD 216.9
19% Off

A Stylish Leather Brocade Broché Picnic Basket filled with 10-12 kinds of fruits (about 18-22 pcs), perfect for a grand afternoon picnic with the family and friends. This box is suitable for any purposes such as a birthday, anniversary, wedding/holiday, or valentines day. The fruits are high quality and the sweetness is average. This kind of fruits looks delicious and taste good after being cut. Its a perfect treat for you, your family and friends to enjoy during festive occasions!

The gift consists of:
• Picnic Basket filled with 10-12 kinds of fruits (about 18-22 pcs)

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