Flowers & Gifts Delivery to HongKong
Modern Twist Basket

Modern Twist Basket

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Earliest Delivery : Tomorrow
USD 148.9
25% Off

Flower Design & Fruit Gift Basket contains 8 types of fresh fruits. It consists of Japanese Aomori Apple, grapes, imported boxed blueberry/ imported fruit in box, Fuji Apple and dragon fruit. Our flower design fruit basket is a modern twist on the traditional fruit basket. Perfect for any occasion, this floral design features 8 types of fresh fruits including apples, pineapples, grapes, dragon fruit, kiwi, apple and more. The rectangular shape of this basket allows more room for the delicate fruits inside while adding to its playful appearance.

This gift consists of
• 8 types of fresh fruits including apples, pineapples, grapes, dragon fruit, kiwi, apple and more.
• Flower design fruit basket

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