Flowers & Gifts Delivery to HongKong
Bright Yellow Calla Lily Bouquet

Bright Yellow Calla Lily Bouquet

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Earliest Delivery : 2nd Apr
USD 156.9
24% Off

Step into a world of brightness and elegance with the Sunny Calla Lily Delight. This Bright Yellow Calla Lily Bouquet carefully curated to display their natural splendor. Set against deep green leaves, these flowers form a captivating contrast that's both invigorating and serene. Wrapped in high-quality packaging and adorned with a graceful ribbon, it's a gift that reflects thoughtfulness and class. Whether you're commemorating a special milestone, offering comfort, or simply sharing a little bit of happiness, the Sunny Calla Lily Delight is a beautiful expression that touches hearts and enhances occasions with its radiant charm.

This ia a gift of:
• Bouquet of 10pcs Yellow Calla Lily with Greeneries, in a Premium Packaging and a Ribbon

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